Plaza Diner on 2nd Ave


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Plaza Diner on 2nd Ave

Nothing like late nights at your usual diner. My roommates and I have been going to this same diner for so long now that the owner knows us as regulars.

Plaza Diner is just a 2 minute walk from my dorms, which is why it's so easy to access!

After waiting on my roommates to end work at 12AM, I've never been so hungry in my life. I ordered Mozzarella Sticks. Most likely frozen from a bag, these sticks were unhealthy and oily enough to satisfy my craving for cheese.

The next thing I ordered is a Pizza Burger. This isn't usually something I'd order, but I was really feeling a burger today. It's really just marinara sauce, the same one used for the mozzarella sticks, and cheese. I was really hoping for more than just that, at least fries would've been nice. But it wasn't bad.

Now, the Nacho Supreme is my favorite item on their menu. It has meat, jalapeño peppers, beans, cheese, and corn chips. It's the best nachos I've ever had in a diner (but I do not go to diners often). This really satisfies my food cravings and after you finish this dish, you'll want even more!

Overall, this post was not much of a review, but more of a show and tell of a nearby diner I go to. It's not the best of all foods so it's definitely not a place to take a date, but it's the experiences I've had here with my good friends that really hooked me. It's place to chill out with your good friends for some good 'ol diner food at midnight.

Recently, I've learned that it isn't just the food that makes the restaurant great, but it's the experiences you've had there.

"Never be a food snob. Learn from everyone you meet -- the fish guy at your marker, the lady at the local diner, farmers, cheese makers. Ask questions, try everything and eat up!"
-Rachael Ray


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