Organic Avenue on Lexington Ave


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Organic Avenue on Lexington Ave

Hello Foodies, I have bad news.

Last night, my roommate (Josh) and I waited for my other roommate (Eli) to arrive from work. We wanted to grab some buffalo chicken pizzas at Cassiano's Pizza. It was pouring rain when we went. We bought the pizzas and walked back home, but as I walked across the wet street with a box in my hands, I slipped was unable to catch myself.

My face smacked the hard cement leaving my chin seriously scraped and my front tooth painfully chipped off. It's pretty embarrassing and painful, but I wanted to share this with you guys. I'm OK if you guys were wondering. This just means that I can't and won't be able to really explore restaurants for a week or so.

"Then what are you going to eat, Norg?"
 "It hurts too much to chew? Oh no!" 

This was my solution: SOUP!

I recently discovered this amazing health/vegan/vegetarian place called Organic Avenue. They serve all kinds of vegan and gluten-free salads, soups, juices, shakes, baked goods, and even wraps.

This place is Vegan Heaven!

Since I'm like an old man who can't chew his food, I grabbed two soups and a vegetable juice.

For the soups, I got a Gazpacho Verde (purified alkaline water, organic cucumber, tomatoes, apple cider vinegar, green pepper, jalapeño, onion, spinach, olive oil, garlic, pink salt, mint, cumin, and black pepper).

It was really thick and spicy. You could really taste the jalapeño!

The other soup I got was Spicy Avocado (purified alkaline water, organic avocado, spinach, celery, cilantro, pink salt, garlic, jalapeño, lime, and cumin).

This one is much smoother than the other soup. I also personally really like the rich avocado taste. This too is REALLY spicy!

The vegetable drink that I got was Medicinal Green (Organic cucumber, organic swiss chard, spinach, collard greens, kale, lemon, garlic, turmeric, pink salt, cayenne pepper).

This one I didn't like so much. I'm all about the healthy lifestyle, but this was just too green and sour for my liking.

Overall, this is an awesome place to get delicious organic juices and food and for a great healthy, yet maybe slightly more expensive, alternative.

"My body will not be a tomb for other creatures"
-Leonardo Da Vinci


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