Dad's Cooking - Big Breakfast!


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Dad's Cooking - Big Breakfast!

As a proud Filipino, there is one thing that our people truly love: RICE.

This morning, my dad cooked me a big breakfast to set me off today. This time, I got to take a picture of the cooking up close and personal

THEN... There's the rice...

I'm not really a breakfast kind of person (I know, I know, it's the most important meal of the day...), so I consider this to be a bigger than BIG breakfast.

The rice was seasoned with soy sauce, the eggs were cooked runny, the bacon was sweet, and the asian sausage was delicious! After that meal, I was stuffed!.

And if you thought that was a big meal... You should see my dad's plate...

"Expect problems and eat them for breakfast"
-Alfred A. Montapert


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