Big Gay Ice Cream Shop at East Village


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Big Gay Ice Cream Shop at East Village

Five Words: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop.

With a shocking and bold name like this, how can you not get customers? Oh, I know, how bout serve delicious ice creams with a name like Salty Pimp?

125 E 7th St, New York, NY, 10009
Only in New York City will I find a place like this. I've walked by this ice cream parlor several times before I actually went to try it. This is just in East Village of Manhattan.

Inside, they sell Big Gay Ice Cream merchandise.

Oh did I mention that their mascot is a unicorn?

Beat Arthur - $5.50
My roommate, Josh, ordered a Bea Arthur. Vanilla ice cream, dulce de leche, and crushed 'nilla wafers. It has an interesting dusty texture that went really well with the smooth vanilla ice cream.

Salty Pimp - $6
I ordered the Salty Pimp. It's salted vanilla ice cream and dulce de leche dipped in chocolate. Oh man, this was delicious! I really liked the contrast of sweet and salty. I also liked how the chocolate itself was soft rather than crunchy.

You can't have ice cream alone!
Overall, this is a great ice cream shop to go to during these up and coming hot days. I recommend the Salty Pimp!

"Love is an ice cream sundae, with all the marvelous coverings. Sex is the cherry on top."
-Jimmy Dean


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