Marble Slab on Esplanade


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Marble Slab on Esplanade

There's nothing like ending your night with a little ice cream. I just thought that I'd do a quick post on what I did tonight before I hit the hay. I spent most of my day working out and swimming. Later during the day, my girlfriend came over to watch our favorite show together, The Walking Dead. Great episode, btw!

Anyways, after that I walked her home and we stopped by Marble Slab Creamery. Alright, so for those of you Americans who don't know what Marble Slab is, it's basically a Cold Stone. You choose an ice cream and toppings and they'll slab it all together for you.

I got the Cookie Dough Drizzle. It basically had Oreos bits, cookie dough, fudge, and birthday cake ice cream. I also got it on White Chocolate Oreo Waffle Cone (that's a mouthful!).

The whole thing was sweet, delicious, and EXTREMELY creamy. I can't really suggest an ice cream flavor to try, but everything looks pretty good to me! So one tip when coming here: just try something interesting. Mix all your favorite toppings and ice cream flavors together to create one perfect, cold treat!

"Forget art. Put your trust in ice cream."
-Charles Baxter


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