It kills me to say this, but I had no time to at all to eat anything great. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to post for the longest time! Since now that I've found time between classes to make this post, I'm going to use it to tell you exactly what I've been so caught up with.
As some of you may know, I was given the opportunity to become part of the Wardrobe Run Crew in an off-stage production of Footloose. I've learned how to make things like scrunchies, bandanas, and THIS AWESOME BOW TIE THAT I GET TO KEEP!
The hours for this thing are crazy. I feel like I've been living at the school. I was literally working from 9AM-1120PM from last Saturday and 9AM-8PM yesterday. Then until March 10, I'll be at school from 6PM-11PM. All that, plus auditions, call backs, and hours of papers. Goodbye social life.
I have literally been living off of protein bars, hard boiled eggs, and a skimmed triple cappuccino. Not-so-foodie-friendly food. I just want an nice, juicy burger.
In other news, all these awesome things I've ordered from Amazon have finally arrived! Though I go home so late every night that the mail room is always closed when I try to grab my packages. Life is hard. Very hard.
Also, you guys should definitely follow my Twitter account! @VancFoodie -- There I post little things food-related in my life.
Anyways, I have 5-minutes till class starts so I'm going to sign out. Next time, hopefully I can show you some new, delicious food places, foodie!
"Busy is good because it shows you're alive"
-Alison G. Bailey
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