Poutine Pizza?! Sounds Too Good To Be True!


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Poutine Pizza?! Sounds Too Good To Be True!

I'm a big fan of pizza. I am also a big fan of poutine (A Canadian dish. Basically fries, cheese curds, and gravy). But why is it only now I have heard of this amazing Pizza Hut pizza?!

I don't want to sound like a Pizza Hut Ad, but this gooey-looking pizza truly brings out my Canadian spirit and foodie. Why wouldn't you want fries, gravy, beef, and cheese curds on your pizza?

When I go back to Vancouver this coming March, I am DEFINITELY going to have to buy one of these. Just looking at it makes my mouth water.

So what do I think about this pizza?

First of all, Pizza Hut is the only chain pizza that serves this unique Canadian twist on pizza. I mean, I'm sure the advertising images look 100x more attractive then the actual served dish itself, but to me that's not the point. I don't expect too much decoration from chain places like this, but it's the taste of it. I have yet to taste this pizza, but hopefully it's everything I expect: a tomato sauced pizza mixed with gravy, cheese, and french fry crunchiness.

Unfortunately, this good-looking pizza is only sold in Canadian Pizza Hut. Perks of living in Canada. But honestly, I can't wait to get my hands on this greasy pie. Now I really can't wait to go back home.

"And I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." 
-Tiger Woods


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