Update (Busy Week & Fantasy Friday)


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Update (Busy Week & Fantasy Friday)

Hello once again foodies! I hope you are all doing well! I haven't been posting much this week because of the workload I received from my classes. Not only that, but also this afternoon, my roommates discovered that we had bed bugs in our dorm! That means we have to put every single fabric (shirts, rugs, beddings, etc) in a plastic bag and put them all in the dryer after the pest control visits us tomorrow morning.

With all this hanging on my shoulder, I've been living off protein bars and triple grande cappuccinos. Life has been a bit bitter lately. 

That's a Quest Bar, by the way. It's the most amazing protein bar I've ever had.
On the up side, I am announcing a new weekly addition called Fantasy Friday! As some of you may know, I am, what one may call, a "geek". Yes, I love video games. Yes, I love super heroes. But more importantly, I love food. That is why I am incorporating these two aspects of my life and creating Fantasy Friday!

8-bit deliciousness
Fantasy Friday is where I discuss fictional foods I REALLY want to try from video games, movies, television series, and more! As a foodie, I venture towards searching for the best kinds of things to eat. I take that step to a whole other level(up) and compare these fictional foods to possible dishes and maybe even provide a recipe. Not only that, I'm also going to be giving you, the hungry viewer, a brief history lesson on these pixelated goodness! Be excited for this Friday to fill your life bars with all kinds of geeky food INT!
+1 Food INT
+4 Awesome
"Red Wizard Needs Food Badly!"
-Gauntlet Legends (Video Game)


But before I go, this is a little sneak peak for the upcoming Fantasy Friday's fictional food...

I wonder what he "seas"...


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