Montgomery's Fish & Chips in Lonsdale Quay


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Montgomery's Fish & Chips in Lonsdale Quay

After going to the gym with my girlfriend today, we had a difficult time deciding where to go for lunch. Chipotle? Chinese food? There were too many to choose from! We eventually realized our craving for fish and chips, so after our workout, we took a five minute walk to Lonsdale Quay and found my "Go To" fish and chips place, Montgomery's Fish & Chips.

Lonsdale Quay Food Court
This little shack is just one of the many small food stores found in the Lonsdale Quay's food court. This place truly stands out because of its design is unique compared to the design of the other food stores. The servers were very friendly as well.

Halibut & Chips
For the expense that I paid, which was plenty, everything was as delicious as I expected. We ordered the Halibut & Chips. The fish was golden, crispy, and tasteful.

And the fries... oh man... the fries were delicious. It has all sorts of textures going for it. I'm the type of person who likes their fries both soggy and crispy, which is why I thought it was well done.

Prawns & Chips
The next thing we ordered was the Prawns & Chips. Personally, this is my favorite item on their menu. Really, it's because I like prawns. The batter was filling and flavorful, and it all tasted perfect with the tartar sauce.

Final thought: for a food shop in a food court, this place was quality!

But you can't have the perfect meal without the perfect company.

"It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings."
-Kurt Cobain


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