Seo Japanese on 49th St


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Seo Japanese on 49th St

What do you do for dinner after the night you just had ramen? Get more Ramen!

Last night my friend, May (WHO RECENTLY GOT CASTED IN "FLOWER DRUM SONG"), was really insisting me to go with her to grab some real, asian ramen after Footloose.

249 E 49 St, NY, New York, 10017
After hours of research of which Ramen shop stays open past midnight, we found Seo Japanese on 49th Street. This cute little Japanese store was quite traditionally decorated. When you enter that back room, you're given a beautiful view of a Japanese garden with bamboo and . The atmosphere inside this place made it feel like you weren't in New York anymore.

Edamame - $4
We ordered the classic Edamame. There's not much to review about this item. Most edamame are almost identical, so this one was good. 

Shio Ramen - $9.50
I ordered a Shio Ramen, which was a salt-based ramen. The broth was good, a little bit watery, but it was good. I was really craving a miso-based type ramen but the menu was literally so small, they only offered 3 types of ramen. Their drink menu was larger than their actual menu.

The noodles were similar to the ones in Hinata Ramen. There was a lot more than I expected. It was also not one of the softer kinds of noodles, which has been a pattern in New York ramen places so far.

The chasu was excellent but tiny! It was soooo fatty! The fattier the better (when it comes to chasu)! I like how the edges were slightly burnt and added a greater seasoned flavor.

My friend, May, ordered the Shoyu. To be honest, I was kind of jealous, her's tasted better. Other than the more flavorful broth, everything was basically the same.

Overall, Seo Japanese has great ramen for much cheaper than Hinata Ramen, but their choices were incredibly limited. Hinata had at least 6 ramens to choose from and Seo had only 3. Their appetizers weren't too appealing either. From choices from cold tofu to pork on rice, there wasn't really anything that caught my eye. Although this was their only flaw, the ramen was great.

"Although the food was good, the company could've been better."
-May Yoshioka


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