Moodyville Cafe at Lower Lonsdale


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Moodyville Cafe at Lower Lonsdale

I had brunch today with my mom and her friends at Moodyville Café. This place is apparently the oldest restaurant on the Lower Lonsdale area. It was just a cute little cafe.

101 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC
One with a sense of humor too.

It's also a popular little place for locals to visit.

I ordered the Traditional Eggs Benedict. I thought it was okay. The sauce they used was not only buttery but you could really taste the lemon. It was pretty good. The potatoes were alright, nothing special. Everything was really pretty average over anything else.

Honestly, although the food wasn't absolutely mind blowing, the ambiance and the mood of the place made it for me. I would definitely go back here with friends for brunch!

"Damn you, Eggs Benedict!"
-Charlie Harper (Two and a Half Men)


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