Update #4 (Gastropost -- The Vancouver Sun & The Province features)


30 undefined

Update #4 (Gastropost -- The Vancouver Sun & The Province features)

Quick update guys!

So recently, someone from the "The Province and The Vancouver Sun" newspaper (equivalent to NY Times) contacted via Instagram (@NothingButNorg) asking me to contact them if I was interested to have my foodie photos featured in their Gastropost column. After going back and forth with a few emails, I am now taking weekly "missions" from Gastropost that could potentially have my pictures featured in their newspaper!

Starting from nothing and now being featured in a local newspaper, this is VERY exciting for me!

You can find my picture second from the bottom left! It was an older photo I posted from Gusto Di Quattro.

Hopefully I can be featured more often in their weekly columns!

"Beware the hobby that eats"
-Benjamin Franklin


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