Beecher's Handmade Cheese on Broadway


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Beecher's Handmade Cheese on Broadway

Today, I found the best Mac & Cheese in the city (so far). My roommate, Josh, and I traveled around Manhattan. We literally walked from 7th St and 1st Ave to 55th and 3rd Ave. That's A REALLY LONG WALK.

During this walk, we found Beecher's Handmade Cheese. I've had this famous Mac & Cheese before in Seattle. There are only two of these restaurants in the world and as of today, I've been to both locations.

900 Broadway, New York, NY, 10003
One thing that is really unique about this place is that they have a factory-like area where you can see the cheese being made in right there and then!

The atmosphere in this place was both casual and formal.

Confusing? Let me explain:

The furniture is wooden and comfortable giving it a home-y sense. They have cut cheese that you can purchase as if it was like a farmer's market. But the people who go here are business men and women that have business meetings over cheese and crackers rather than a cup of coffee.

I also really like how they keep things organic and free of harmful additives. I also like how everything on their menu had their famous cheese as a major part of the dish.

World's Best Mac & Cheese -- $6.50
This Mac N' Cheese was so gooey and filling. It really melted in your mouth.

Overall, this would be a place to either have a meeting with someone or to go for delicious comfort food!

"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese"
-Luis Bunuel


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