Mom's Cooking - Sinigang Fried Chicken


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Mom's Cooking - Sinigang Fried Chicken

Having been away from my family for the last couple of weeks, I am forced to eat cafeteria food, take out, and the occasional noodle cup. And honestly, as much as I love living independent from my family, I truly miss my mother's cooking. For my first post about Mom's Cooking, I want to explain to you how we do thing at my house.

1. Everyone eats together
2. Every meal is a feast
3. If you don't eat fast, you don't eat at all
4. We're all carnivores
5. Eat vegetables (mom's rule)

This is usually how a dinner at my house would look like.

My mom started with a Kale Salad. Here's the eat vegetables rule. It's a mixed vegetables dish with a special, sweet Japanese dressing. We really like to use this Japanese dressing for a lot of our salads, especially our spring salads. Unfortunately, I don't exactly know what the name of dressing is, but I only know what the bottle looks like.

And for the main course, my mom made Sinigang Fried Chicken

Some of you, especially you non-filipino people, may be wondering what sinigang is? Basically, siningang is a filipino soup or stew characterized by its sour and savory flavor. This dish usually has pork and vegetables. It's a great dish for cold days.

So the twist with this dish is that it is fried chicken with the sour and savory flavor of sinigang. This is definitely the best homemade fried chicken I've ever had. One that is very unique too!

I mean, I could eat about 7 of these as if it was nothing! Yum yum yum!

"The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken."
-Maya Angelou


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