First Eat, Then Comes Everything Else

As some of you might remember, I visited my dad at Boston during Easter weekend. With this visit, I was able to revisit my favorite place in Boston, Faneuil Hall! It was amazing to go back. Back in Vancouver, my favorite place in the city is Granville Island, which truly reminded ...

I had intense craving for quiche today. I don't know why, but I just had to get one. With a little help from Yelp, I found the closest places to get quiche. After watching Marymount Manhattan's production of Beaux Stratagem with my friend, Kim, we went to Le Pain Quotidien.  1270 ...

Organic Avenue on Lexington Ave


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Hello Foodies, I have bad news. Last night, my roommate (Josh) and I waited for my other roommate (Eli) to arrive from work. We wanted to grab some buffalo chicken pizzas at Cassiano's Pizza. It was pouring rain when we went. We bought the pizzas and walked back home, but as ...

As a proud Filipino, there is one thing that our people truly love: RICE. This morning, my dad cooked me a big breakfast to set me off today. This time, I got to take a picture of the cooking up close and personal THEN... There's the rice... I'm not really a breakfast ...

This kind of post was something I wasn't really expecting to do whatsoever. Just like I posted food that my mom makes, I am posting about the food that my dad made! It's been awhile since I last saw him. Last time I saw him was when I was touring universities in Boston, but ...

Walking around East Village as a foodie is like walking around a candy store as a child. This area has the most interesting food in NYC that I've explored. From little unique cafes to hole in a wall restaurants, the food spots here are limitless. Exploring the area, I found ...

Today, I found the best Mac & Cheese in the city (so far). My roommate, Josh, and I traveled around Manhattan. We literally walked from 7th St and 1st Ave to 55th and 3rd Ave. That's A REALLY LONG WALK. During this walk, we found Beecher's Handmade Cheese. I've had this famous ...

Five Words: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop. With a shocking and bold name like this, how can you not get customers? Oh, I know, how bout serve delicious ice creams with a name like Salty Pimp? 125 E 7th St, New York, NY, 10009 Only in New York City will I find a place like this. ...

Having been away from my family for the last couple of weeks, I am forced to eat cafeteria food, take out, and the occasional noodle cup. And honestly, as much as I love living independent from my family, I truly miss my mother's cooking. For my first post about Mom's Cooking, I ...

Nothing like late nights at your usual diner. My roommates and I have been going to this same diner for so long now that the owner knows us as regulars. Plaza Diner is just a 2 minute walk from my dorms, which is why it's so easy to access! After waiting on my roommates ...

I was looking through my computer folders for the pictures of all the restaurants and food spots that I've visited and realized that I completely forgot to post about Park Royal's Taphouse. Located in The Village in Park Royal (West Vancouver), the Taphouse is a pub that is ...

Hey foodies! Quick update here today! I'm finally back in New York City. My flight here was delayed two hours so I wasn't able to get to my first class on time. I actually had a field trip for my other class and visited the Mid-Town Public Library. Since I'm not on vacation anymore, it'll ...

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