First Eat, Then Comes Everything Else

Spring Break is over and last night was my final night in Vancouver. Since I was so busy with packing and preparing for my trip back to New York City, I didn't have the time to blog about this event. We celebrated with a bang. Since Vancouver is known for it's amazing and fresh ...

Quick update guys! So recently, someone from the "The Province and The Vancouver Sun" newspaper (equivalent to NY Times) contacted via Instagram (@NothingButNorg) asking me to contact them if I was interested to have my foodie photos featured in their Gastropost column. After going back and forth ...

Congratulations to Winnie and Ken Lineham! The newly wed couple, my mother and Ken, had a beautiful wedding yesterday afternoon in Stanley Park. My girlfriend, my uncle, and I coordinated the wedding at The Teahouse. We had around 54 guests, many of which are people I met for ...

It's funny how you can find great places to eat when you actually get out of your house and walk around your neighborhood. Buddha-Full was one of those unique places that I just so happened to have stumbled upon. This vegan-friendly place was the definition of hipster. First ...

I've been so busy the last few days that it was almost impossible for me to find time to post. Now that I have time for myself, I can finally post about the dinner I had a couple days ago. I went out with my siblings, my mother, and my soon-to-be-step-father to Burgoo Bistro. This ...

I had brunch today with my mom and her friends at Moodyville Café. This place is apparently the oldest restaurant on the Lower Lonsdale area. It was just a cute little cafe. 101 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC One with a sense of humor too. It's also a popular little ...

The past three nights, I've been accustomed to have dinner at Lonsdale Quay area. First Raglan's, then Burgoo, and now Gusto Di Quattro. Gusto Di Quattro is my girlfriend's GO TO restaurant. Whether it's birthday or any day of the week, she would never pass up an offer to go ...

After going to the gym with my girlfriend today, we had a difficult time deciding where to go for lunch. Chipotle? Chinese food? There were too many to choose from! We eventually realized our craving for fish and chips, so after our workout, we took a five minute walk to Lonsdale ...

Marble Slab on Esplanade


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There's nothing like ending your night with a little ice cream. I just thought that I'd do a quick post on what I did tonight before I hit the hay. I spent most of my day working out and swimming. Later during the day, my girlfriend came over to watch our favorite show together, ...

Update #3 (Spring Break in Vancouver!)


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Hey there foodies! Quick update: I am back in Vancouver for Spring Break until Sunday (March 30th). So just to update you guys, from now until then, my posting will be the foods in the Vancouver area! View from Lonsdale Quay Dock ...

On February 11, 2014, I turned 19 years old. Unfortunately, I turned 19 (legal in Vancouver) when I was in New York, which the legal age is 21. So it was really difficult to truly celebrate my birthday drink. ANYWAYS! Today was my first day back to Vancouver for Spring Break! ...

It's my roommate's (Josh) birthday weekend and its my mother's wedding in a week and a half. This created the conflict between choosing to go through an intense diet before the wedding or properly celebrating my friend's birthday. Clearly, as the foodie that I am, I chose the food ...

What do you do for dinner after the night you just had ramen? Get more Ramen! Last night my friend, May (WHO RECENTLY GOT CASTED IN "FLOWER DRUM SONG"), was really insisting me to go with her to grab some real, asian ramen after Footloose. 249 E 49 St, NY, New York, 10017 After ...

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