Raglan's Bistro (Round Two) on Lonsdale Quay


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Raglan's Bistro (Round Two) on Lonsdale Quay

It's good to be legal. My best friend Ryan and I went to Raglan's Bistro to grab some drinks and food after watching Sentinel Secondary School's Cabaret.

I ordered a Hurricane of Shipwrecked. I don't exactly remember what was in it, but it was great. It had a taste of carbonated raspberry, it was really girly, but delish!

Shipwrecked - Hurricane - $14.95
Finally... the food! We ordered the Pulled Pork Poutine. It was a basic poutine with aged cheddar and gravy, but the twist is the sweet and tender pulled pork. Delicious!

Pulled Pork Poutine - $12
The final thing we got was a Double Cheese N' Chicken Quesadillas. It was pretty basic. It wasn't anything special, in fact, I probably wouldn't order it again. For its price, I would've been better off with another poutine.

Double Cheese n' Chicken Quesadillas - $12
Overall, it was awesome! The drink was great and so was the poutine, but unfortunately, the quesadillas was only mediocre. Ryan and I definitely enjoyed ourselves and the atmosphere of the place at 12AM was awesome.

"If life gives you lemons, make margaritas"


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