Pot Luck (w/ my BFA Acting Class) at Central Park


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Pot Luck (w/ my BFA Acting Class) at Central Park

Yesterday afternoon, my Freshman BFA Acting class went on a pot luck in Central Park.

It was beautiful yesterday! It was hot and sunny.

Funny enough, this is the first time I've really hung out in Central Park. To think that having lived here for a good school year, I'd actually hang out in the famous Central Park more often than none.

I mean, look how beautiful it was! I'm still amazed.

After walking around for a good half hour, we found a great area to set up our picnic.

We set up our blankets and enjoyed the sun.

Then came the food! Kim brought empanadas from Empanada Mama, which were absolutely delicious! She got 10 chicken empanadas, 5 pernils (which were like shredded pork), and 5 cheese. Cassidy brough chips and starburst. Randi brought fancy sparkling juices and chips & guac/hummus. Emma brought popcorn. Josh made pasta with pesto sauce. Kendall bought adorable mini cupcakes. Finally, I made homemade Oreo Truffles.

Kendall's cupcakes were really good and fun to eat. It's bite-size cuteness made it pretty to look at.

These were my homemade Oreo truffles. The recipe is a secret as of now. Maybe I'll make a post about its recipe. Yum yum!

Unfortunately, the sun came in and out. Damn clouds!

After 3.5 hours of munching and talking, this mess was born.

At the end of the day, this day was a successful gathering. This was the first time the class had gathered together and the company was perfect. I definitely look forward to more events like this!

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust


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